Our Top Five Video Trend Predictions for 2021

2021 Video Trends

We can all agree that 2020 was a unique year. A year where we spent most of our time in our pajamas at home, ordered food delivery and communicated with coworkers, friends and family through Zoom. As for the video production world, gone were the days of large productions, live streamed in-person town halls and traveling. We had to adjust by creating virtual conferences, keeping productions small and safe and utilize other video formats that don’t involve in person crews such asanimation. While we aren’t out of the dark just yet and the video trends of 2020 will continue on until the pandemic significantly improves, here are our top five video trend predictions for 2021.

1. Going Live

Live Streamed video was definitely the most requested type of video production that we received at StagePost in the year 2020 and we believe it will continue to be a popular trend in 2021. We are able to incorporate an abundance of features to really engage audiences to listen and participate in live events and training. Features like real-time chat, polling, live surveys and call-ins. We are also able to keep productions small and covid-safe by incorporating remote presenters, meaning presenters stayed in the comfort of their own home and we took their live video feed into our high quality production. We don’t believe that large group events like town halls and conferences will be showing up any time soon in 2021, therefore we believe that interactive live streamed events will be a solid trend this year. You can check out our webcasting promo video here.

2. Interactive Video Shopping

Shoppable videos are when viewers can make a purchase directly from the video content they are watching. How cool and convenient is that? Anyone with a Facebook or Instagram account has probably seen their fair share of shoppable photo and video content ads and has possibly clicked on a few (or several) and made some purchases. It works because the ad is right there at our fingertips and we don’t have to go searching for the product. The video will take us there directly! We will definitely be seeing more video shopping videos on social platforms come 2021. Here is an example for Serena Williams line fashion line Serena:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CCw6wabg9pB/ 

3. Animated Videos

Animated videos do not require in-person productions and can be produced solely through communication between the client, producer and animator. This is why we will continue to see animation in the year 2021, it’s covid-safe and adds a lot of fun and personality into a video. A great example is Kroger’s “Low” commercial of 2020. The characters are cute, the music will make you want to dance and it’s all around a fun one that will have your eyes glued to the TV. See the commercial yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI8AK-BO_Ns


4. Real People with Real Stories

There’s nothing more honest and captivating than a person’s real story, and that’s why these types of videos work. They’re relatable people that we can connect with, not paid actors or celebrities. Storytelling will always be a strong video trend, but we think it will be even stronger in 2021 due to the hardships we’ve all had to face in 2020. We want to know we are not alone and we want to hear other people’s real experiences. 

5. Bigger Budget Productions 

We’re predicting that bigger budget productions will increase during the second half of 2021. As the pandemic improves due to the vaccine rollout (we hope), people are going to feel more safe being together and creating videos that involve large crews. We are all tired of seeing the grainy, handmade videos that consumed 2020. This is why we think that in 2021, we are going to see some glossier, big budget videos. People are eager to get back to normal and want to celebrate being able to do so. 

