10 Tips for Creating a Successful Webcast: Tip 1

Nashville Live Streaming

Welcome to our weekly series, 10 Tips for Creating a Successful Webcast. We will be posting a tip every Friday for the next 10 weeks! If you ever have any questions about webcasting or live streaming, please feel free to visit our webcasting page or contact us

Tip 1: Target Audience Buy-In

What’s a webcast without an audience? If your live stream event is for a private audience, you’re going to need to target that audience and encourage them to participate in your event with an engaging email invite.  It’s important to make sure you have an up-to-date mailing list and that your mailing service settings are correct for this audience. The email itself is more than a notification; it’s a marketing tool and, as such, needs to be inviting and come from someone recognizable like a Senior Executive or a Department Head. A snappy, engaging subject line and a well-designed announcement will get more “opens” quicker. Be sure to include an incentive like a contest with prizes or a promise like exclusive information from subject matter experts. And of course, don’t forget your call to action to register today! We recommend mailing to non-respondents at least three times before the event date to encourage participation. Non-responders are sometimes the participants that can benefit the most from your webcast. An email invitation may be your only link to market your webcast, so make it as promotional and beneficial as possible!

Click Here for Tip 2! Or learn more about webcasting here.
